Recognising the best Leadership Skills for career growth.

After looking at what emotional intelligence is all about, leadership skills come next.

Remember we defined emotional intelligence as a set of competencies demonstrating the ability one has to recognize his or her behaviors, moods, and impulses, and to manage them best according to the situation.

How does emotional intelligence and Leadership skills relate?

Every person has feelings and emotions but it’s the way you handle those feelings and emotions that matters.

Feelings like anger, jealousy, feeling slighted, feeling misunderstood, feeling under-appreciated, resentment, hopelessness, insecurity, fear, anxiety, feeling isolated, feeling powerless, etc. – can make all the difference to your career and daily work life depending on how you handle them.

These are some of the ways you put emotional intelligence and leadership skills at work

1) Believe in Your Strength;

When you picked up the job, you knew what you were getting into. I strictly mean the job here, and not the company. Each and every one of us feels powerless at some time or another – and all too often such feelings arise in the workplace. It’s really important for you to know you are not alone in this.

But you also have choices – even if your choice is to stay and do what’s being asked of you for whatever reason. Even if it means being nice to a boss you who drives you crazy. Or being pleasant to a co-worker you think is an idiot. Prove them wrong with a knock-out performance. You've have always had the strength, it's time you reclaim it.

2) Say It Right;

It’s easy to be an extremist and take drastic measures. For, instance, when things get tough for you at office, it doesn't mean you stop being tough. It's easy to put up a fight, call it quits and leave.

Patiently, listen to what your boss or subordinates have to say without any retaliation. They are not trying to single you out; it's their handicap that they do not understand. Say it right with silence.

3) Build strong relationships at work;

If you are spending good 8-10 hours everyday in a place with the same people, you are bound to develop bonds that will be special to you. These strong work relationships will be there to help you move ahead, and also when you need support accomplishing every day assignments.

Some people will resist your attempts based on their own agendas or views of the world. Don’t let that bother you. Focus on those relationships you can build by being helpful and supportive (and creative and capable of course) as you get chances to work together. Building strong relationships with co-workers is a key leadership skills you must have.

4) Change your attitude at work;

Your perception becomes your judgments, which decides your actions. The important thing to develop a strong emotional intelligence at work is to rate yourself as much as you rate your boss.

If you give your boss, more importance than yourself, naturally, the element of fear is going to creep into your professional life. It’s not always THEM, and even if it is, the power to change is still mostly in your hands.

5) Letting Go;

Another strong leadership skills: Buddha said, if you let go off your expectations, you will have no pain. In the maddening race of materialism, we are so engrossed in trying to possess greatness, that we forget the fact that greatness can never be captured.

Release yourself from all the fears about corporate world, about your capabilities, about work culture and most importantly, your boss. Let them go and confidence will take their place.

6) Don’t let emotions hold you prisoner;

Sometimes, for whatever reason, you find yourself getting caught up in a rush of anger or frustration. I was so mad, instead of working smart; I just sat around complaining and feeling upset with everyone.

Meanwhile, there were other people I could have built alliances with and there were things I could have done to improve my own standing. But I let my anger cloud my vision. I don’t recommend it as a career plan.

7) Don’t play the blame game;

The blame game is when you point your finger at everyone and everything except yourself, blaming the world for your misfortunes. This is simply spinning your wheels.

As I’ve mentioned before, when you get caught up in emotions or useless behaviors, you lose precious time and perspective that could be helping you create a more enjoyable experience for yourself in this job and in future jobs

8) You don’t have to be right always;

Don’t spend your day being caught up in being right – and making sure everyone knows you are – you’re focusing on the wrong things and you’ll only wind up diverting yourself from getting ahead.

9) Open your mind to new opportunities;

when we get our heads out of seeing the anger and hurt and all that is missing in our work lives, we open up to seeing what might turn into real opportunity. Possibility is all around us if we just learn how to look for it.

Master this leadership skills, and I can assure you, that, you will be in a path to career self actualization and satisfaction.

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