Interview Mistakes to Avoid while conducting an interview.

In any recruitment exercise, some interview mistakes can happen that will deny the company the right person.

Recruiting the right person can mean a lot to the success of your business. Many employers approach interviews in every casual manner and end up making some mistakes that might prove fatal at that moment or later.

Here are some of the mistakes that you should always avoid during recruitment.

a) Overlooking a candidates’ background.

Candidates will write well looking CVs but it’s always good to conduct due diligence especially on the person you fill will fill the vacancy. Confirm their work history, their backgrounds and talk to the referee indicated.

b) Do not be mesmerized by the advanced degrees.

Candidates with plenty of letters after their names have certainly worked hard to earn their degrees. But there is no substitute for real-world business experience, and people often make the mistake of overlooking candidates with track records but not degrees.

Note: this does not apply, however, to specialized fields that require advanced degrees.

c) Hiring for the short time.

Unless you're hiring someone on a temporary basis, you need a long-range plan for that employee beyond your immediate need, including how you plan to develop him or her, and how he or she fits in with your company's long-range plans.

d) Making promises that can’t be kept.

Do not make the mistake of promising the candidate that you cannot fulfill nor have no desire in fulfilling. This can turn out to be very costly. Do not let the candidate push you to promise something you cannot deliver.

e) Not knowing why you are hiring.

Always focus on the need for the job ahead. Do not hire somebody because of how they look, how they talk or simply because he is a relative. This might turn out to be a costly exercise in the wrong run. Hire someone who has the skills to do a particular job.

f) Not conducting a good interview.

As I said earlier, you need to prepare well for the interview and also posses the skills that will enable you conduct the right interview. Contact us for further coaching and directions on how to conduct effective interviews.

g) Failing to get the right candidate.

The person you are going to hire will not work in isolation but as a team. Always look for a person who can easily work with others. Somebody who will have a good rapport with other employees.

h) Failing to document job offer.

After selecting a candidate, offer them an offer letter detailing the salaries, bonuses, and other benefits associated with the position. This will save you the hustle of being accused of having promised something during the interview stage.

i) Do not be overly expectant of a candidate.

A common interview mistake among many employers these days is looking for one person to save a sinking ship. An unrealistic, lengthy list of qualifications and background requirements — as frequently seen in employment ads — creates a situation where you settle for someone whom you think can do a little of everything, but does not excel in the key areas. Narrow your focus to the most important aspects of the position.

j) Not being prepared.

You can easily make an interview mistake when you're not prepared for the interview and hiring process. Know the questions you want to ask and the type of employee you're looking for. Also be ready to explain the position and answer questions about the company.

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