Writing articles for money in Kenya.

Writing articles for money in Kenya can be a quick and easy way to get started earning income especially if you are unemployed, a student or you are a great writer.

Freelance writer of articles for money in Kenya you will typically be given an assignment to write an article on a specific subject. You may be given certain instructions on the finer details of what the article is to be about, such as the title, and the scope of what the content should be. Then again you may only be given a keyword and be told to write an article not less than 800 word article on the subject.

If you are looking to make an additional income, then writing articles could be your answer. In fact, if you take it seriously enough, then writing articles in your spare time could eventually replace your full time job. The great thing about writing articles is that there are no start-up costs.Some topics you could write about are fashion, recipes, health, science, self improvement, sport or careers – in fact you can write about any topic you wish for as long as it doesn’t violate the copy write policies.

Articles writing Guidelines for articles for money in Kenya:

1. Article should be genuine and must not be copy - paste in any manner.

2. Article must be at least 800 words long.

• 2.1. Article must have something to tell, we avoid articles those are just write-up of easiest stuff we do in day to day life. Please make sure the article has enough content which may be interesting to read as well as able to comply with the quality standard for an article.

• 2.2. Article that are far lesser than 800 words shall be considered as "TIP", we also allow TIPs ie.. "small articles", however payout is little lesser for TIPs than full fledged article.

• 2.3. Please try to include images in articles, they make them look better and attractive. While including images, make sure you are not infringing copyright which may be applied to some images. It’s not mandatory to use images

3. You can write articles for money in Kenya on your interest too ie.. whatever subject you like, if hard for you then can see OUR FORUM to choose any subject.

• 3.1. However, time to time we may ask you to write article on some particular subject or interest, if you have decent expertise on that subject then you may write article on it for mykenyan-jobs.com. These articles may get paid more than normal article.

• 3.2. If we receives more than one article on similar subject then we will approve only one ie. which ever is best and only approved shall be eligible for payment.

4. We will pay people by M-pesa or via cheque.

5. Every article written by shall bear your name always.

6. No duplicate topics allowed, ie. if there is an article on a topic on mykenyan-jobs.com then we will not accept another article for same TOPIC.

Note: Before submitting article outside the scope to mykenyan-jobs.com, one should send first it to the editor in order to examine it.

• We do not want you to get trouble to write an article which will not even approved by us at all. Rather if you have any idea to write an article then first send us a brief summary or outlines for that article and also your plan that how you will write it. This way we can save you from the trouble of writing an article which may not be useful to us at all.

7. If we found that your article is not really yours, its been copied or modified version of some other author then we will not make any payout. We want to make sure that we only get quality articles as well as genuine.

8. Please allow us 2-5 days to review your article and to inform about same.

9. We reserves sole rights to approve or disapprove any article.

10. We reserves right to modify or refine these guidelines anytime.

11. We may take off facility of writing paid articles for mykenyan-jobs.com anytime as per the need of site ie. www.mykenyan-jobs.com and also if there is surplus of articles.

Who is an articles for money in Kenya writer?

1. Some people who can do technical writings for us like software review, gadget reviews, IT tutorials etc.

2. Looking for people to write articles about latest automobiles happenings including reviews on new bike and cars etc.

3. Financial and business sector articles like market strategies, investment guide etc.

However above are just a list but we are also accepting articles in various other areas.

How to Contact and be part of articles for money in Kenya:

All you need is to send information about yourself and your interest in writing articles for mykenyan-jobs.com, the editor will send you details and all needed information.

Send email to:

Kinuthia3@yahoo.com or info@mykenyan-jobs.com


1. Only articles those get published at mykenyan-jobs.com are eligible to receive payout, it means even if an article is approved, you will not receive payout until it is not published in mykenyan-jobs.com.

2. All articles we paid for, shall be property of mykenyan-jobs.com but of-course will always have your name as author.

3. Payment can be made via Mpesa or Cheque also.

4. Payment shall be sent only after completing Ksh 1,000 or having 10 approved articles.

5. We reserves Right to decides payouts for the articles and we also reserves the rights to change payout per article or per tip at any time.

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